Part 2 – Addressing Mental Health In Fitness Programs

In my last blog, I talked about Strategy #1 to address mental health issues on a grass-roots level, where we can make a real and significant difference.

If you missed that issue, you can catch up here .

The counselors on the morning show I referenced had another tactic that addressed mental health that resonated with me.

That technique is to ask graded questions. A graded question is designed to ask the question in such a way that a yes or a no is not needed for the question asked.

This is perfect for the fitness industry and serves two purposes.

Feedback is critical to our program success. In my teachings, I refer to feedback as the real breakfast of champions.

But how do you get real and helpful information?

This is where the graded question comes in.

Rather than asking a member if they like the results they are getting with your program, ask how happy they are with the results they are getting with your program on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest).

With this technique they have to pick a number. Then you can explore their answer. My favorite tactic is to ask what it would take to raise the number only one notch. For instance if someone answered a “6,” the next question is what would it take to make this a “7.”

When they answer this way you get real and helpful information.

The second purpose of asking a graded question is to show honor and respect for the person answering the question, and helps them feel better about themselves, and their answers. Graded questions contribute to people’s mental health.

Questions crafted this way work in personal and business situations equally well.

I highly recommend you try this ASAP. Let me know what kind of results you get.

Stay tuned for Strategy #3 in the next issue of this email.

If you would like to talk about more specific strategies you can follow to explode your business now, get on my calendar and let’s talk. It’s free to you.

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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