How To Make Growing And Managing Your Fitness Business As Much Fun As Coaching Your Athletes
Hello, I’m Ron Gordon, the owner of Gordon Training Systems, Inc, and the 6 Figure Trainers Program.
If you have come to our Website, chances are YOU get this, but a lot of people don’t see the value of investing in growing your business by working ON your business rather than IN your business only.
We understand. Some people appreciate quality expertise, personalized service and proven systems than will actually make the “business side” of business as fun and rewarding as training people. And some people can only consider training their clients and are not willing to consider anything else.
6 Figure Trainers is for a different Kind of Small Gym Owner or Trainer
A Fitness Professional who Expects More
If you are searching for ways to generate comfortable profits each month so you can relax and enjoy a lifestyle as much as you enjoy training people…
You are the kind of person who loves training people but you are not a business person. You made a huge commitment, took a chance, started your business and you love making a difference in people’s lives. You have bills to pay, a mortgage, a family to support and kids to put through college at some point. You are ready for more and not quite sure how to get there.
If you are putting in lots of hours and you really do like training people but, it’s not as much fun as you had hoped…
You know you can’t continue at this pace. You need a break. You need to be able to recharge your own batteries. Get in your own workout. Spend time with your family. Walk the dog.
If you hate seeing new competitors open up right down the road, offering huge discounts with lower quality programs, and scheming to take your people from you…
It’s almost impossible to relax because they have locked you in a grueling struggle for every potential member and every dollar. You don’t have a system that gives you confidence and makes you feel immune and insulated from the discounters and charlatans.
We’ll transform your business experience
Every week we help new clients transition their business. They have gone from having a hobby, to having a job, to owning a rewarding and profitable business. A successful business that generates monthly cash flow each week. It provides a lifestyle. It requires less time. It has systems in place and it is easy to look ahead and steer the business in the best direction.
Each week we guide people in this process.
We help you generate more revenue than possible and reduce your expenses. Most importantly, as we are often told, we help you have more time in your personal schedule.
You will find that running your business this way is a lot of fun.
There are only 3 reasons you should consider the 6 Figure Trainers Program
- Professional Expertise. Many companies measure their experience in years. We measure our experience in decades across multiple organizations, always directing growth and expansion. Every business we have managed has been a start-up or a turnaround. We have been where you are multiple times and every time we were successful. We’ll bring all that experience and best practices directly to you as we help you create your own incredible results.
- Personal Service. We excel at personal service to our clients. We partner with you not only because our business depends on it, but more importantly, because our mission and vision depend on it.
- Our Guarantee. We guarantee every step of the process. Frankly, we can’t imagine doing business any other way, could you?
To give you unparalleled service, we do things a bit differently.
Our goal is to help you get to a new level of success.
Our mission is to empower you with the tools so that you can continue to grow your business and dreams for the rest of your life.
This may be far from you current vision but, in the years to come, we want you to look back at this time we worked together as a profound turning point in your business. A point in time where you started having fun again.
Your Complimentary Strategy Session
We are most successful at this when we have a mentoring relationship. We start every client relationship with a Complimentary Strategy Session. We find this meeting to be the most productive way for each of us to gain clarity about working together.
We are so confident in the Complimentary Strategy Session that we even guarantee the results!
We understand that you may be more interested in targeted, specific programs. If you are more comfortable on this slower paced, yet very effective path we have the resources to guide you. For those who prefer more of a do-it-yourself approach, we have plenty of complimentary (free) tools to get you started.
Are you ready to transform your business?
Important Information
- We are a small team (and in demand) and our clients book their first appointment with us on the phone. We’ll set aside 45 minutes to focus completely on your business and your most pressing needs and concerns. The questionnaire you filled out will be our starting point for a conversation. The goal for this meeting is for you to gain complete clarity about the exciting options you have in front of you.
- We do not mentor or coach with “boiler plate” solutions that we try to fit you into. Those solutions have never worked for us and we simply don’t promote or use them. You can be assured that while we strongly align our work to to be best practices for the fitness industry, all plans or strategies we help you develop, will reflect you, your personality, and your passions.
- Isn’t this a nicer way to work. Who wants to feel like a number, or a seat at a conference, to be sold to over and over again with the lasted wiz-bang, one size fits all generic solution?
- Best of all, your investment in your business is a journey, an education, that will serve as your foundation for your business present and future. Since we are results based in our outlook and outcome metrics, you can rest assured that your investment in your own education will pay dividends for years to come.