Tomorrow Never Comes
Try this on for a fun experience. Keep track of how many times in one day someone, anyone, says that they will get to that tomorrow. It’s amazing how many times you will hear this …

Time to Party!
One of my high school milestone reunions was scheduled to happen in 2020. The pandemic caused a reschedule for 2021. However, New York State was still opening up slowly, the reunion was rescheduled again for …

The Tides have turned, but the winds have changed…
I talk to gym owners and fitness trainers all the time and one thing is for sure right now. The fitness business is growing again! This is a huge relief to the industry that was …

The Business of Boutiques
It’s great to be back in Upstate NY with family for the summer. This is the community where I honed my fitness business skills, and it’s very interesting to see what has stayed the same …

The New Normal
Throughout 2020, 6 Figure Trainers’ clients had different results than most fitness businesses, because we did things differently. Instead of meeting weekly on an individual basis, we met daily as a group, every day except …

Are You Ready?
Being on two wheels is one of my favorite ways to see the world. Pennsylvania is really beautiful this time of the year. I like to travel solo, but this time I am traveling with …

Row, row, row!
Traveling in an RV makes working out on a routine basis a bit of a challenge. Besides being on the road a fair amount, there is a host of other obstacles including the weather, safety, …

Do you have the courage to ask this question?
Do you have trouble “closing” the sale? I used to have trouble closing the sale, but thinking back, my biggest challenge was the word “closing.” To close. What does that mean? What comes to my …