Better Than The Google Review, Part 1

Everyone knows and understands the power of Google Reviews.

They can make or break an organization. 

The concept of the Google review has been around for a very long time, long before the internet. Another word for it is “word of mouth” advertising, and it still exists, alive and well. 

In fact, world of mouth advertising is more powerful than the Google review. Would you take the word of a friend offering a comment about a business during a conversation, or would you give more credibility to Google reviews posted online by strangers? I would take the word of my friend over the review anytime and I’m pretty sure you would too. 

In the fitness business we automatically think, rightfully so, our clients and members are our best source of word of mouth advertising. They are, but this is just the beginning. There is a much more active approach you can take to expand your word of mouth advertising resources.

Your untapped resource is other business owners in your primary market area, rough a 15-minute drive in every direction from your business location.

For a review, on why this is your primary market area, check out this post.

The business owners in this area are just like you. They are trying to make a living doing what they like doing, are constantly looking for new business and have the same daily concerns you do. Of course, they are experiencing the same feelings of loneliness and isolation all business owners feel.

Properly nurtured and developed, you and the business owners are a tremendous resource for each other. This is where you come in with leadership in your community.

Your first step is to get a map of your service area. With a pencil or pen, create an outline roughly a 15 minute drive time surrounding your location.

Next, do a little Internet research and find 5 – 6 business within this area that you know little about. I recommend starting with small businesses that primarily serve local people. Make sure you get all the contact information for the owner of the business.

With this information in hand we now have a target list of quality prospects.

In a future post, I will write about the next steps you need to take to maximize this resource. I will also give you a list of the pitfalls to avoid from the beginning. (Trust me on this. I’ve been there and done that, learning the hard way what works, and what works very well. Stay tuned)

Note: A lot of people reading this will not do anything with this information. They think it looks too hard, they will be uncomfortable, or they simply don’t have the time. Some owners are just trying to survive. This is a plan for those that want to thrive.

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Helping you grow your fitness business is the mission of the 6 Figure Trainers Program. Founder and CEO, Ron Gordon brings over 40 years of successful fitness business ownership and growth, to the tips, tricks and hacks described and outlined here.

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