Category: Ron’s Blog

Richard Branson On Building A Team

Has there ever been a more important time to have a strong team in business? Nope!! Has there ever been a more challenging time to build a strong team? Nope. To say the least, these

This Is A Straight Up Sales Pitch

We are out of the gate and running! Yesterday we had our first Mastermind group meeting. The meeting was all about organization and getting the groundwork and expectations ironed out. I am incredibly excited about

The Tornado Warning On My Phone

I was in the midst of writing this email, when my phone screen suddenly displayed a tornado warning. It was one of those warnings that covers the screen and keeps the phone on until you

What Does Your Team Say About Each Other

In my last email, I wrote about the characteristics of a high-performance team and drew an analogy to a three-legged stool. If you missed it, you can catch up here The second characteristic of a high-performance

Is Your Team Loyal To You

I love life on two wheels, especially a bicycle. Since I travel extensively with my bicycles in tow, my bikes are the perfect way for me to get exercise, explore, and discover all at the

1440 Minutes Are All You Have

I just got a new bike and I can’t wait to take it for a ride, so this will be short and to the point. Time is often referred to as our greatest resource. It’s

The Iditarod Signals Spring Is Here

By the time you read this the Iditarod will have started out of Anchorage, Alaska. Thirty-three mushers, the smallest group in history, lined up for this classic event with a rich history. Ahead of them

Arnold Had More Than A Vision

I’m back in Florida from the cold arctic-like north country of upper New York State. Average temperature is about 50 degrees higher, and it’s really easy to get used to the change, going this way.

Should You Charge To Answer A Question?

It was great to see family and visit the cold northern part of the country. I am ready to get back to southern Florida and the warmer temperatures. Air travel is expensive, and like everyone