Category: Ron’s Blog

Why You Won’t Find Good Employees

I stopped at a big box electronics store to replace my television yesterday. I had a special unit in mind and I did not see it on the floor. Nor did I see any of

A Sunrise And Customer Service

I started planning for my visit to Dry Tortugas National Park in December, 6 weeks ago. To put things in perspective, planning a trip like this usually takes about a year’s lead time, as I

Lessons From a Crocodile Sighting

Having grown up near the Canadian border in Upstate New York I had never seen an alligator or a crocodile before. Those creatures were literally over 1,000 miles away. On my travels through southern Florida

How Are You Nurturing Your Team

My southern Florida tour continues to impress me. Up to this point I have never experienced anything of Florida except the beaches along the coast. The interior is a completely different animal, both literally and

What Are You Looking For

I am in the Everglades National Park for a few days of downtime. It’s very quiet and there is no cell phone service – nada. I got up before sunrise to go for a walk

Marketing Plans & Alligators

I saw my first wild alligator yesterday. This was a big deal to me. I am originally from up north by the Canadian Border and there are no alligators up there. I have heard horror

The Truth Behind The Champion

For a long time, the Wheaties box has featured champions in action shots at the pinnacle of their careers. The message: Wheaties is the Breakfast of Champions. More than once, I would study the picture

World-Class Pizza

I subscribe to two on-line news services that give me tremendous insights into business, the workplace, and the workforce. I am sure it comes as no surprise that the employment landscape has changed in very

Listening Intently To Our Customers Gives Us Clues to Improve Our Marketing

I was out for my early morning walk in the RV park I am temporarily staying at. There seemed to be a car following me at a distance. After a five minutes of this, I