Category: Ron’s Blog

This Is Your REAL Job
I was fortunate to become a YMCA Executive Director at a very young age. We had a huge facility, about 100 people on the staff and 100s of members, and I was ultimately responsible for …

Working On Your Business
I loved the movie, Field of Dreams. Is there anyone who did not like it? What an inspiring and entertaining story. “If you build it, they will come.” We all want to believe this is true …

The Valentine’s Day Workout (Updated for 2019)
Without clients the fitness professional has no business. There is a natural attrition in the fitness industry and the fitness professional is always searching for new clients to take the place of those that leave. …

A Treadmill Only Fitness Center…
Once upon a time I was a competitive runner. To say that I loved to run (or was addicted) is an understatement. I ran in all kinds of weather in Upstate New York. Cold, snow, …

Embracing The Monday Blues.
I remember when I used to get the Monday blues. This was long before I was an entrepreneur, the dark times when I worked for someone else, but that’s a story for another time. 🙂 The …

How Your Competition Is Exploding
I received another great question from a small gym owner the other day. In the course of our conversation we were talking about the competitors a small gym owner faces every day in today’s marketplace. …

How To Take Advantage Of Positive Feedback
How many times has this happened to you? It’s been a crazy busy day. It seems like you have a million things going on, and you do. Someone wants to see you for something and …

How To Handle Negative Feedback.
I bought a new kettlebell for my personal gym this weekend. Since it’s my personal gym, I had some very specific criteria I was looking for. Very different features than my supply of kettlebells in …

How Happy Are Your Customers?
I know TWO very important things about you and your business. I know these things because of the conversations I have recently had with some of you. First, things are very busy in the fitness …