Tag: Business Leadership

Try It, Teach It, Change The World
We all do it. We set amazing plans for ourselves on the first of January every year. But where do we stand now, the middle of January? The statistics are alarming. Most people have given …

Timing Is Everything
I was riding my gravel grinder bike on a trail in the desert yesterday. The sun was out and very warm in contrast to the overnight cold. It was unusual to have so little wind …

Resolute Resolutions
Happy New Year! We’re out of the gate and off to the races. I have my resolutions firmly in place. And true to form, I’m already facing challenges that need resolution. I can’t say this …

Getting To The Point
Let me get right to the point: Making positive, intentional changes in life is hard work. If you think differently, this email is not for you. I am talking about moving in a positive deliberate …

Power Outage
We lost generator power last night, equivalent to a power outage when you’re on the grid. Since my office is currently in the desert, I am on my own for challenges like this. Let me …

Short and Simple
This is short and simple. AND, it’s proven over and over again to work! The pinnacle of interest in fitness programs will peak in two weeks with New Year’s Day. This is a huge opportunity! …

The Challenge of a Storm
We had a desert storm a couple of nights ago here in the Sonoran desert. Winds, sand/dirt everywhere, and some rain. Being from Upstate NY, I am very comfortable with snow storms, and very inexperienced …