Tag: Business Owner

Ron Gordon

Your Two-Pronged Approach For April

First, I hope you are all healthy.  Hang in there, we made it through March, and we will make it through April! Things change daily and hindsight is always 20/20. One thing we know for

Ron Gordon

Special Meeting On The Coronavirus And The Fitness Industry.

I am hosting a special live online meeting today at 1 pm (EST) to address the coronavirus situation and the fitness business. We will discuss the three things you most do now – today, to

Ron Gordon

Proof That Miracles Do Happen

I seldom watch television, but every time I do something reminds me of running a business.  This past weekend was a great reminder of what has been called the greatest sporting event of the century. 

Ron Gordon

Do You Have A Weekly Board Meeting?

A Board Meeting is an invaluable tool for every business, especially if you are in a business all by yourself.

Ron Gordon

The Worst Thing You Can Do To Your Business

Commoditization is the worst thing you can do to a small business in a competitive market space.

Ron Gordon

How to Measure Daily Progress Toward Your Goals

Don’t overlook the importance of tracking daily progress in business. It’s very easy with this simple plan.