Tag: Fitness Business Owner

If You Lost Your Dog
I attended a really good training event this past weekend. In fact, I’m still on a high from all the great information that was shared. Make no mistake about it, things have changed in the …

Practice Like a Navy Seal
I love to read, especially about fitness, training, and business Yesterday I was reading an article about Navy Seal Training. The Seal’s training is legendary. Conventional thinking would be that once you learn and repeat …

Take This Job, And Shove It
Did you ever attend a webinar where the subject matter was something that everyone hated? Just the other day this happened to me. I had no idea that so many people hated the subject material. …

5 Seconds, or Less
I devote a lot of time studying emerging trends in business and fitness. This self education has always been important to me, but even more so in the current business climate. As a reader of …

A Subtle Strategy
A few days ago I returned to the Adirondacks for a few more days of summer. Fall and winter come early to this part of the country. There is a freshness in the air, unmistakably …

Addition of Repetition
It’s no surprise that business owner’s outlook on, and confidence in our economic future is connected to what is happening with the pandemic. To say it’s a roller coaster of a ride is an understatement. …

The Price of Success
Sitting with my foot elevated recovering from surgery, while one of my least favorite things to do, does give me a chance to catch up on some things. And catching up on current trends while …

A Clear Message
I don’t know where the saying, “move heaven and earth.” came from. In a literal sense, It’s an impossible task. But the saying sends a message. So does the saying, “got cold feet.” Neither are …