Tag: Fitness Business Sales

Enthusiasm vs. Effectiveness
I went from a fantastic family vacation in the mountains back to reality. My reality was a scheduled “minor” surgery on my foot. The surgery went well, somewhat surprisingly, it’s the post-op therapy that’s the …

Use Your Words
I am camping in the Adirondack Mountains in New York. Each year at this time our family gets together to celebrate our family at a camping event aptly called family week. Each year attendance has …

Time to Party!
One of my high school milestone reunions was scheduled to happen in 2020. The pandemic caused a reschedule for 2021. However, New York State was still opening up slowly, the reunion was rescheduled again for …

The Tides have turned, but the winds have changed…
I talk to gym owners and fitness trainers all the time and one thing is for sure right now. The fitness business is growing again! This is a huge relief to the industry that was …

The Business of Boutiques
It’s great to be back in Upstate NY with family for the summer. This is the community where I honed my fitness business skills, and it’s very interesting to see what has stayed the same …

Are You Ready?
Being on two wheels is one of my favorite ways to see the world. Pennsylvania is really beautiful this time of the year. I like to travel solo, but this time I am traveling with …

Do you have the courage to ask this question?
Do you have trouble “closing” the sale? I used to have trouble closing the sale, but thinking back, my biggest challenge was the word “closing.” To close. What does that mean? What comes to my …

What’s On Your List?
We all have a list of things we want. Out potential new members and clients (prospects) come to us with a list of things they want. What separates a real goal from a wish is …

The Right Questions
What do you want? Why do you want it? These two questions are the foundation for any sales conversation. When the prospect comes to you, they really care about only one thing. It’s not how …