All posts by Ron Gordon

Why Can’t We Get More People Coming Through The Door

Have you heard of resignation Friday? It’s the second Friday in January and it got its name because it’s the day that most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions. This year resignation Friday

Staying Motivated In The Coming Year

Before last night’s celebration of the new year, I did one last thing for my 2023 goals and successes. Last year my clients were uncommonly successful and as a result, 6 Figure Trainers had their

Are You Recalibrated For The New Year

I am fortunate to have one more opportunity to spend some time with my family before everyone heads back home to normal. Today, it’s a hike with my youngest daughter’s family. Before we head out

This Is How To Actually Accomplish Your Goals

Most goals never happen because people don’t actually work on them. Strange, but true. Human nature. Have a business goal for next year? Perfect. Break out your calendar and schedule time to routinely work on

Make A Memory

Mom and Dad always made the holidays special. As a parent, my favorite part of the holidays is to continue the tradition of making memories with my family. Today, we will all be making memories

A 30-Inch Long Potato Masher

I grew up in a large family. Potatoes were a daily staple at our table. Mom expected all of her seven children to complete some age-appropriate work around the house. When we reached a certain

Here’s Your Plan For New Year’s Day

Every year I write about the best way to start the New Year because it’s that important. It’s a simple, but sure-fired way to get the year moving fast. For some reason, the plan gets

Your Holiday Motivation Plan For The Next Two Weeks

The statistics are in favor of most Americans gaining weight over the next two weeks. This helps propel the natural swell of people looking for a fitness program in about 2 weeks. But that’s a

I Was Told I Have Desert Rat Blood

For this winter I have decided my winter home would be in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, known for warm days and lots of sunshine. I was volunteering at a local food bank yesterday and