Category: Ron’s Blog

Your Two-Pronged Approach For April
First, I hope you are all healthy. Hang in there, we made it through March, and we will make it through April! Things change daily and hindsight is always 20/20. One thing we know for …

Will Your Business Survive or Thrive?
I have been on the keyboard more than usual, and my wrist needs a break, so this is going to be short today. I know everyone has a lot on their minds. Some people are …

With Every Adversity Comes Equal Opportunity
While I like my alone time, this isolation is a challenge. I am sure I am not alone on this. I am very fortunate to live in a rural area not too far from several …

Special Meeting On The Coronavirus And The Fitness Industry.
I am hosting a special live online meeting today at 1 pm (EST) to address the coronavirus situation and the fitness business. We will discuss the three things you most do now – today, to …

Your Coronavirus Action Plan – Part 7
Many people are convinced the coronavirus (COVID-19) is blown way out of portion. It might be. It appears that most fitness business owners believe the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been blown way out of portion. They may be …

Coronavirus Action Plan – Part 6
As life would have it, I met a lot of strangers over the weekend. Every one of them offered me a handshake. I declined all offers for a handshake and with a huge smile on …

The Coronavirus Challenge – Part 5
I was exchanging emails with a national leader in the fitness space and she brought something very interesting to my attention. The impact of the coronavirus on attendance/memberships at fitness centers is driving concern and …

The Coronavirus Challenge – Part 4
Have you ever heard of the Turkish Twist? How about the Thumb Twist? Or the Grease the Palm? (okay maybe you have heard of this one but in a different context. 🙂 ) Turns out …

Coronavirus Action Plan – Part 3
The world lost a great leader yesterday, Jack Welch, the former Chairman and CEO of GE. I never personally met the man but I was a huge fan of his. I always liked one of …