Category: Ron’s Blog

The Small-Step Path To Massive Accomplishments
Just as I put down my mat to start my stretching at the gym yesterday, a guy put a mat right next to mine. This guy was a complete stranger to me, and apparently to …

Don’t Forget Your Members (Updated for 2020)
When new Years Day lands in the middle of the week, when does the new year really start? I don’t mean the actual first day of the month, but when does it really start in …

Your Ninja Fitness Business Move For (Every) January.
I am on so many email lists it seems crazy at times. I never read them all, who has that kind of time? I look for trends and the unusual. I just read one email …

Learning From The Past – Part 2
Yesterday, I worked out at the newest YMCA in Rochester, NY. It’s the second-largest YMCA in the world and comes in at 140,000 square feet of space. That is a lot of space! The variety …

Why Does Your Community Need Your Business?
I seldom watch television with a couple of exceptions. I like to watch Sunday Morning on CBS. I like this program because it is generally more positive and educational that most television programming. Last Sunday …

What Christmas Cards Taught Me About Business
I am not one of those people who are really good at sending out Christmas and Holiday Cards. You know the people who are consistent year after year. This time of the year I always …

Learning By Doing Gets Results – Fast(est) – Part 1
What do Montessori, the Boy Scouts, and business owners have in common? This is not a joke, but a serious question. The first two, Montessori and the Boy Scouts are established programs with a proven …

21 Minutes That Can Change Your Life
Like most of us, I spent a lot of time working for someone else before taking the plunge and starting my own business. How hard could it be, right? Like most of us, I was …

The Key To More Sales In Any Business
I was talking to a fitness trainer yesterday. He was preparing for his biggest sale ever. The appointment was a couple of hours away. In our conversation, he said, “I really want to get this …