Category: Ron’s Blog

Set Your Prospects Up For An Experience
Forget mimicking the big-box gyms. Look sideways at what other successful businesses do, and figure out how to get the same result they get.

Why Are So Many Fitness Franchises Opening Everywhere?
The small small gym has created more opportunity in the fitness industry than it can keep up with. Enter the fitness franchise.

Are You Turning Enough People Away?
With the nicer weather approaching, I’m looking to improve my motorcycle riding skills. My skills have plateaued, and I know the way to improve is to get around other successful riders. I’m looking for the …

When to NOT Heavily Promote Your Business
Being perceived as a fitness person first and a business person second casts you in a less significant role in the community, until you are established.

Know Your Community Leaders
Knowing the leaders in your community will pay huge dividends for your fitness business. Here’s how to get to know the leaders.

What will you be doing on your 100th birthday?
Goal setting inspiration from a 95 year old WWII veteran.

Wearables – Here To Stay
I had an awesome run yesterday, especially gratifying, given all the years that injuries prevented me from running. (Insert: Happy Dance) As I finished the run, I hit the stop button on my Garmin watch …

Your Immediate Growth Strategy
I received a voice call yesterday afternoon. There was no caller id, but it was a local number. To my surprise it was a fitness business, more specifically one of the local branches of a …

Developing Your Resources – The Community
It’s an exciting time in our family as we have three babies due in a few months. And for the first time in a couple of generations, twins are on the way! The excited parents …