Category: Report

What To Do About The Coronavirus, Part 2
Step #2 for the Business owner as he or she anticipated the impact of the coronavirus on their community.

Responding To The Coronavirus Challenge, Part 1
The coronavirus is a huge challenge facing everyone. The gym owner’s business will be impacted. How the owner handles this challenge is vitally important to the business.

How To Develop Your Community Resources
Developing the resources of the community i fun profitable and personally rewarding if you have the right attitude and approach. Here is a fail-safe plan to meet your business neighbors.

Proof That Miracles Do Happen
I seldom watch television, but every time I do something reminds me of running a business. This past weekend was a great reminder of what has been called the greatest sporting event of the century. …

What Do You Do In Situations Like This?
Obstacles are a natural part of business growth. Obstacles are also manageable and anything you can manage, you can change.

The Art & Science of Picking Winners
I’m not talking about the lottery in the subject live above. I am talking about getting results much more probable than winning the lottery. Creating the right team is the answer to almost all of …

Do You Have A Weekly Board Meeting?
A Board Meeting is an invaluable tool for every business, especially if you are in a business all by yourself.

Three Foundations For Your Marketing Efforts
taking the time to answer these three questions first, will provide a solid basis for all of your marketing efforts. These questions will also save you time and money.

What Is Your Time Worth?
I shared this with my Elite VIP clients last week and it’s just too good to not share with everyone. Think About This… $100,000 If you’d like to earn $100,000 a year but aren’t hitting …