Do You Have Boots On The Ground?

Dr. Martin Luther King had a tremendous work ethic.

His much younger assistants had trouble keeping up with his energy and the relentless pace he demanded of himself in pursuit of his dream.

Much of his energy was spent going door-to-door in neighborhoods spreading his message. At the same time, he was listening to the people he cared so deeply about.

Boots on the ground. He knew first-hand the issues and he crafted his message of hope from his personal experience of knocking on doors and listening.

It’s amazing what he accomplished in days before the internet and the power of social media.

There are lessons here for the fitness business owner.

One of the huge takeaways from a recent Club Industry Show in Chicago was that people who join a fitness club AND remain with that program, live or work, within 15 minutes of the club.

If you take a map and outline a 15-minute travel time from your location all around your business, you have just identified where 90% of your ideal clients and member live.

Marketing to people outside this outline may get you some results, but statistically those people will not stay with you for long and you need to replace them. Unless you have very deep pockets, you really need to recognize your market in order to maximize your marketing dollars and not waste lots of your hard-earned money.

How well do you know the people inside this outline? 

The first step to exploding your business is to completely and thoroughly understand the people who live or work within 15 minutes of your location.

Strategy #1 is to embark on a process to get to continually know your market better and better. Know them better than your competition and use this knowledge to gain a clearly superior marketing position.

We do this all the time with our clients and we’re here to help you too. 

We have prepared a free report to help you fully understand the fitness industry. Avoiding the death traps and learning how to not just survive, but to THRIVE. 

Check it out here.

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Helping you grow your fitness business is the mission of the 6 Figure Trainers Program. Founder and CEO, Ron Gordon brings over 40 years of successful fitness business ownership and growth, to the tips, tricks and hacks described and outlined here.

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