Tag: Business Growth

Is Your Axe Dull?
I am in the middle of a training webinar and we just took a break. This is really fascinating stuff. I’m amazed at the little tweaks in effective marketing because the Pandemic has severely altered …

Practice Like a Navy Seal
I love to read, especially about fitness, training, and business Yesterday I was reading an article about Navy Seal Training. The Seal’s training is legendary. Conventional thinking would be that once you learn and repeat …

You’re Worth It
In an earlier career I was doing some modeling. I got a job that required a special styling of my hair. I had a full head of hair back then, 🙂 I was sitting in …

The Price of Success
Sitting with my foot elevated recovering from surgery, while one of my least favorite things to do, does give me a chance to catch up on some things. And catching up on current trends while …

Enthusiasm vs. Effectiveness
I went from a fantastic family vacation in the mountains back to reality. My reality was a scheduled “minor” surgery on my foot. The surgery went well, somewhat surprisingly, it’s the post-op therapy that’s the …

A Clear Message
I don’t know where the saying, “move heaven and earth.” came from. In a literal sense, It’s an impossible task. But the saying sends a message. So does the saying, “got cold feet.” Neither are …

Invest In The Right Thing
I can’t tell you how many people I have met that make a decision. Then they have to think about it. And then they re-think their decision I get it. Been there many times. Change …

How To Develop Your Community Resources
Developing the resources of the community i fun profitable and personally rewarding if you have the right attitude and approach. Here is a fail-safe plan to meet your business neighbors.

Proof That Miracles Do Happen
I seldom watch television, but every time I do something reminds me of running a business. This past weekend was a great reminder of what has been called the greatest sporting event of the century. …