Tag: Fitness Business Growth


Step #1 For Explosive Growth Now

I am writing from my outside office today.  Once again, it’s raining in Greenville, but I am warm and dry under my shelter. I think better with chirping birds in the background and I love


Developing Your Resources – The Community

It’s an exciting time in our family as we have three babies due in a few months. And for the first time in a couple of generations, twins are on the way! The excited parents


Working On Your Business

I loved the movie, Field of Dreams. Is there anyone who did not like it? What an inspiring and entertaining story. “If you build it, they will come.” We all want to believe this is true


The Valentine’s Day Workout (Updated for 2019)

Without clients the fitness professional has no business. There is a natural attrition in the fitness industry and the fitness professional is always searching for new clients to take the place of those that leave.


A Treadmill Only Fitness Center…

Once upon a time I was a competitive runner. To say that I loved to run (or was addicted) is an understatement. I ran in all kinds of weather in Upstate New York. Cold, snow,


How To Take Advantage Of Positive Feedback

How many times has this happened to you? It’s been a crazy busy day. It seems like you have a million things going on, and you do. Someone wants to see you for something and


How To Handle Negative Feedback.

I bought a new kettlebell for my personal gym this weekend.  Since it’s my personal gym, I had some very specific criteria I was looking for. Very different features than my supply of kettlebells in


Better Than The Google Review, Part 1

Everyone knows and understands the power of Google Reviews. They can make or break an organization.  The concept of the Google review has been around for a very long time, long before the internet. Another


Do You Have Boots On The Ground?

Dr. Martin Luther King had a tremendous work ethic. His much younger assistants had trouble keeping up with his energy and the relentless pace he demanded of himself in pursuit of his dream. Much of