Tag: Fitness Business Marketing

How Do You Handle Feedback

In last Friday’s email, I talked about the incredibly valuable information you can get from mystery shopping your business. I outlined two ways to mystery shop your business. The first way was to do it

What Is Your Vision

Yesterday, I visited the Berlin Wall exhibit in Rapid City, South Dakota. To say I was intrigued and surprised is a gross understatement. I grew up before the Wall came down, heard all the stories,

Happy Birthday

While growing up, my favorite Uncle used to host a family party, on July 4th, at his house on Lake Ontario. As each guest arrived, he would greet them with an enthusiastic Happy Birthday! He

There Is Magic In Thinking Really BIG

I love life on two wheels and yesterday I really enjoyed a motorcycle ride into Deadwood, SD. There is something about the freedom of two wheels that resonates with me. I stopped at a trailhead

Maximum Productivity, Part 5

I promised you at the beginning of this special 5-part series on maximum productivity that I would show you exactly what to do to create massive growth in your business. It’s hard to believe, but

Maximum Productivity, Part 4

Spoiler alert! Rather than tell you the second most important thing you need to do for explosive growth, like the title says, I am going to start with the most important thing. Are you ready?

Maximum Productivity, Part 3

I love visiting National Parks. There is so much to do and learn. The reality is that most of our National Parks have a lot of possible activities to participate in. So how does one

Maximum Productivity, Part 2

In short, growing a business fast is the result of daily efforts focused on the desired goal. Yesterday I wrote about the first step in the process which is to have a clearly articulated goal,

How Will AI Affect Your Fitness Business

I just finished a discovery session with ChatGPT. Wow! I am impressed. What strikes me the most is the speed that AI can create text documents. Among the impressive accomplishments were the creation of job