Tag: Fitness Business Marketing


How to Create a Cash Surge Now

Using these topics as a starting point for your sales plan, regardless of the size of your fitness business.


Connecting With Prospects in a Meaningful Way

We are interested in outcomes and transformations in our lives. Talk to prospects, market to them, and promote to them on that level to explode your business.

Ron Gordon

Set Your Prospects Up For An Experience

Forget mimicking the big-box gyms. Look sideways at what other successful businesses do, and figure out how to get the same result they get.


Are You Turning Enough People Away?

With the nicer weather approaching, I’m looking to improve my motorcycle riding skills. My skills have plateaued, and I know the way to improve is to get around other successful riders. I’m looking for the


When to NOT Heavily Promote Your Business

Being perceived as a fitness person first and a business person second casts you in a less significant role in the community, until you are established.


Your Immediate Growth Strategy

I received a voice call yesterday afternoon. There was no caller id, but it was a local number.  To my surprise it was a fitness business, more specifically one of the local branches of a


This Is Your REAL Job

I was fortunate to become a YMCA Executive Director at a very young age. We had a huge facility, about 100 people on the staff and 100s of members, and I was ultimately responsible for


The Valentine’s Day Workout (Updated for 2019)

Without clients the fitness professional has no business. There is a natural attrition in the fitness industry and the fitness professional is always searching for new clients to take the place of those that leave.


A Treadmill Only Fitness Center…

Once upon a time I was a competitive runner. To say that I loved to run (or was addicted) is an understatement. I ran in all kinds of weather in Upstate New York. Cold, snow,