Tag: Fitness Business Marketing


I have been watching a lot of movies lately. Last night’s entertainment was, Tombstone. It’s very interesting to watch old movies in contrast to modern ones. It’s interesting to see that the basic elements of a

Timing Is Everything

I was riding my gravel grinder bike on a trail in the desert yesterday. The sun was out and very warm in contrast to the overnight cold. It was unusual to have so little wind

Quality Decisions

I made some quality decisions about my future back in December. It’s no secret, one of the most important decision was to serve you even more in 2022. True to form, once I made that

Morning Coffee

My morning coffee is really important. Like most people, its become a ritual. And it has also become a reminder for the day when I see the steam from the water. Hot water is 211

Resolute Resolutions

Happy New Year! We’re out of the gate and off to the races. I have my resolutions firmly in place. And true to form, I’m already facing challenges that need resolution. I can’t say this

Ron Gordon

January 10th

Happy New Year! Based on some great feedback, we are changing the date for the free mentoring in January. The new start date for the free week of mentoring is January 10. I wrote about

Ron Gordon

A Song That Won’t Stop

Ever had a song rattle through your head that just won’t stop? Better question… Have you ever NOT had a song rattle through your head? Me neither. This classic by Gary DeCarlo is haunting me

Ron Gordon

Power Outage

We lost generator power last night, equivalent to a power outage when you’re on the grid. Since my office is currently in the desert, I am on my own for challenges like this. Let me

Ron Gordon

Truth and Timing

I was shopping yesterday for a unique tool. Like most tools, I won’t use it often, but when I need it, it will save me a ton of time and money. Truth be known, I