Tag: Fitness Business Marketing

Ron Gordon

How To Develop Your Community Resources

Developing the resources of the community i fun profitable and personally rewarding if you have the right attitude and approach. Here is a fail-safe plan to meet your business neighbors.

Ron Gordon

Three Foundations For Your Marketing Efforts

taking the time to answer these three questions first, will provide a solid basis for all of your marketing efforts. These questions will also save you time and money.

Ron Gordon

What Is Your Time Worth?

I shared this with my Elite VIP clients last week and it’s just too good to not share with everyone.  Think About This…  $100,000 If you’d like to earn $100,000 a year but aren’t hitting

Ron Gordon

The Worst Thing You Can Do To Your Business

Commoditization is the worst thing you can do to a small business in a competitive market space.

Ron Gordon

What We Can Learn From The Banking Industry

Good customer service is something you existing customers feel, or not. It all comes down to how they are treated.

Ron Gordon

Don’t Forget Your Members (Updated for 2020)

When new Years Day lands in the middle of the week, when does the new year really start? I don’t mean the actual first day of the month, but when does it really start in

Ron Gordon

Your Ninja Fitness Business Move For (Every) January.

I am on so many email lists it seems crazy at times. I never read them all, who has that kind of time? I look for trends and the unusual.  I just read one email

Ron Gordon

Why Does Your Community Need Your Business?

I seldom watch television with a couple of exceptions. I like to watch Sunday Morning on CBS. I like this program because it is generally more positive and educational that most television programming. Last Sunday

Ron Gordon

What Christmas Cards Taught Me About Business

I am not one of those people who are really good at sending out Christmas and Holiday Cards. You know the people who are consistent year after year. This time of the year I always