Tag: Fitness Business Owner

It’s Time To Rethink Everything
I hope you are healthy and safe. I know it’s frustrating and stressful right now, but there is always hope and, this too shall pass. Are you ready for the new normal? The time when …

Don’t Miss This Free Training
Yesterday, I heard a fitness business owner say that if the pandemic lasts two more weeks, he is going out of business. He has already made his decision. He is using this situation as an …

Your Two-Pronged Approach For April
First, I hope you are all healthy. Hang in there, we made it through March, and we will make it through April! Things change daily and hindsight is always 20/20. One thing we know for …

Will Your Business Survive or Thrive?
I have been on the keyboard more than usual, and my wrist needs a break, so this is going to be short today. I know everyone has a lot on their minds. Some people are …

With Every Adversity Comes Equal Opportunity
While I like my alone time, this isolation is a challenge. I am sure I am not alone on this. I am very fortunate to live in a rural area not too far from several …

Coronavirus Action Plan – Part 6
As life would have it, I met a lot of strangers over the weekend. Every one of them offered me a handshake. I declined all offers for a handshake and with a huge smile on …

The Coronavirus Challenge – Part 4
Have you ever heard of the Turkish Twist? How about the Thumb Twist? Or the Grease the Palm? (okay maybe you have heard of this one but in a different context. 🙂 ) Turns out …

What To Do About The Coronavirus, Part 2
Step #2 for the Business owner as he or she anticipated the impact of the coronavirus on their community.

Responding To The Coronavirus Challenge, Part 1
The coronavirus is a huge challenge facing everyone. The gym owner’s business will be impacted. How the owner handles this challenge is vitally important to the business.