Tag: Fitness Business Sales


Free Trial vs Open House

Two day ago I wrote about May being National Physical Fitness and Sports month. I received a surprising amount of feedback from that email, so here are some more details. Done properly the Free Trial


Your Second Best Prospects

Yesterday, I wrote about the easiest people to market your programs to, your previous clients, customers, and members, If you didn’t see it, just let me know, and I’ll send it to you. The question


Have You Scheduled My Visit

I just got back from visiting a client at his gym. I have been working with him for a few weeks now, and it was exciting to have eyes on his operation. He is making


Gold In The Potty Garden

Yesterday I had a chance to explore the desert, and I came across a real gold mine. It came as a bit of a surprise because I was actually headed to a POI (Point of


Can We Agree On This

Let me get right to the point. I want you to be successful. Do we agree on this? If not, reading the rest of this email will be a waste of time for you. Still


Save The Bees

In need of a diversion from routine yesterday, I turned on the radio. It’s always interesting to see how local businesses advertise on the small local radio stations. Most do not employ talent, but use


Moving Fast and Breaking Things

“Move fast and break things,” is a very well-know phrase in the internet world credited as Mark Zuckerberg’s motto for his people at Facebook. He would be very proud of me today. I trashed my

Ron Gordon

Shopping For Groceries

When I shopped for groceries the other day, the owner was running the cash register. As I started the checkout process, she gave me a big smile of recognition. She and the entire store, were

Ron Gordon

A Big Weekend

A big weekend is ahead of us. Superbowl and Valentines’s Day. This is an opportunity to build our tribe. Let’s look at Valentine’s Day first. It’s all about couples. How about a special couple’s workout