Tag: Fitness Business

Ron Gordon

The Price of Success

Sitting with my foot elevated recovering from surgery, while one of my least favorite things to do, does give me a chance to catch up on some things. And catching up on current trends while

Ron Gordon

Enthusiasm vs. Effectiveness

I went from a fantastic family vacation in the mountains back to reality. My reality was a scheduled “minor” surgery on my foot. The surgery went well, somewhat surprisingly, it’s the post-op therapy that’s the

Ron Gordon

Use Your Words

I am camping in the Adirondack Mountains in New York. Each year at this time our family gets together to celebrate our family at a camping event aptly called family week. Each year attendance has

Ron Gordon

Invest In The Right Thing

I can’t tell you how many people I have met that make a decision. Then they have to think about it. And then they re-think their decision I get it. Been there many times. Change

Ron Gordon

Tomorrow Never Comes

Try this on for a fun experience. Keep track of how many times in one day someone, anyone, says that they will get to that tomorrow. It’s amazing how many times you will hear this

Ron Gordon

Time to Party!

One of my high school milestone reunions was scheduled to happen in 2020. The pandemic caused a reschedule for 2021. However, New York State was still opening up slowly, the reunion was rescheduled again for

Ron Gordon

The Tides have turned, but the winds have changed…

I talk to gym owners and fitness trainers all the time and one thing is for sure right now. The fitness business is growing again! This is a huge relief to the industry that was

Ron Gordon

The Business of Boutiques

It’s great to be back in Upstate NY with family for the summer. This is the community where I honed my fitness business skills, and it’s very interesting to see what has stayed the same

Ron Gordon

The New Normal

Throughout 2020, 6 Figure Trainers’ clients had different results than most fitness businesses, because we did things differently. Instead of meeting weekly on an individual basis, we met daily as a group, every day except