Tag: Fitness Business

Ron Gordon

Are You Ready?

Being on two wheels is one of my favorite ways to see the world. Pennsylvania is really beautiful this time of the year. I like to travel solo, but this time I am traveling with

Ron Gordon

Row, row, row!

Traveling in an RV makes working out on a routine basis a bit of a challenge. Besides being on the road a fair amount, there is a host of other obstacles including the weather, safety,

Ron Gordon


I have been committed to a fitness lifestyle forever. Because of that, good genes, and some luck, I am very fortunate to be able to do all kinds of things usually reserved for much younger

Ron Gordon

Do you have the courage to ask this question?

Do you have trouble “closing” the sale? I used to have trouble closing the sale, but thinking back, my biggest challenge was the word “closing.” To close. What does that mean? What comes to my

Ron Gordon

What’s On Your List?

We all have a list of things we want. Out potential new members and clients (prospects) come to us with a list of things they want. What separates a real goal from a wish is

Ron Gordon

The Right Questions

What do you want? Why do you want it? These two questions are the foundation for any sales conversation. When the prospect comes to you, they really care about only one thing. It’s not how

Ron Gordon

Thanks, Will Smith

One of the Sunday morning news shows had a feature on Fitness. Will Smith showed before and after pictures of his weight during the pandemic. During his interview he committed to getting back in shape,

Ron Gordon

The Human Touch

Nineteen years ago, in 1992, Bruce Springsteen released a very popular song giving us one of the clues to building a strong fitness business For small gyms it’s one of the key things that differentiates

Ron Gordon

Difficult Conversations

After spending the winter in the Southwest warmth, I feel like I am experiencing real (cold) winter in the Northeast now. It’s some of the coldest weather I have experienced in over a year. But