Tag: Fitness Business

A Lesson From Captain America On Running A Business
I may be the only person in the world who did not know the whole story of Captain America. I’m not sure how I missed it. I have seen a number of movies with Captain …

Data That Is Worth A Fortune To You.
I hope your Thanksgiving was awesome. No, I am not sending out a Black Friday email. You’ve got enough of them already. I am going to give you something as you’ll see below. And I …

All People Love To Be Entertained
One of my turn-around business opportunities came out of the left-field when I was recruited as the CEO and Principal of a private school. It was not a position I sought, but rather I was …

Build A Rock Solid Financial Plan, Step 2
Only 40 days left until the start of a new year and a new beginning! I outlined the first step is creating a budget for your business yesterday. If you missed it, you can catch …

How To Build A Budget – Step 1
Only 41 days left until the start of a new year and a new beginning! This is another short, to the point and powerful tip on how to build a bulletproof fitness business. In fact, …

Paying It Forward With A Guarantee
I want to help clear some of the clutter and noise around the concept of marketing a fitness business. For the moment let’s forget the theory and advance boldly in the direction of what you …

Marketing Fitness Business – At Its Best!
About a year ago I visited a very popular fitness business that is experiencing explosive growth. I had no interest in joining, I was simply checking out how and why they were so successful There …

Taking Advantage Of Black Friday And Beyond
While I personally think it’s somewhat sad, the holiday shopping season has begun. We are being inundated with promotions for Black Friday, Small Business Monday and beyond. For many retail operations, the holiday season makes …

Making Fitness Marketing Easy and Effective
Is there anything more misunderstood in the fitness industry than marketing? If we believe all the hype marketing is the solution to all our problems and challenges. We hear things like this all the time: …