It was called a “Super Blood Wolf Moon.”
The name itself intrigued me and when I checked out the meaning of the name, each word had interesting significance.
The skies were clear over Greenville, which was perfect for viewing. The challenge was that total eclipse would occur at about 12:45 AM.
Since I had seen the last total eclipse about 18 months ago, I decided that I needed to add this to my collection of pictures. Although the camera I used was not up to the task, I got the picture!

I was chasing a bright shiny object, one of the worst things a person can do in business.
I was aware that this deviation in my schedule would exact a price from me. I felt it was worth it and I knew I could manage the downside.
Chasing a bright shiny object is very common in business. In most cases it’s a destructive, if not deadly course to follow.
Why do we do it? We chase the latest and greatest hoping for a quick and easy fix to our situation.
The other way, to stick with tried and true principles, and do the work day in and day out isn’t very exciting. We like excitement and the rush it gives us, so we lean toward the shiny object.
In the end adhering to tried and true principles is the only way to make progress.
Once we live this way for a period of time, a real excitement emerges, the excitement of success.
Once we taste this excitement, the bright shiny object is no longer attractive, and we calmly watch the latest and greatest pass us by because we know what works.
We’re paying our bills, spending time with our family, putting money away for the future and thoroughly enjoying our lifestyle.
At 6 Figure Trainers, we are dedicated to helping you avoid “shiny object syndrome” on your way to HUGE success.
Remember, you only get results if you take immediate action on your ideas.
Ron (no more eclipses for a while) Gordon