Yesterday, early evening, I rode into the hills on the side of the desert at dusk.
The early evening is the time of day I like to sit quietly and count my blessings.
It’s always peaceful, and this time of the year we are in for a special treat!
The southern sides of every hill and mountain are full of small purple flowers.
Purples and blues are a bit rare in nature, which makes them all the more special. But I digress.
I spent some quiet time in the evening to count my blessings, express, and feel gratitude.
Expressing gratitude is a very powerful thing to do.
When I learned why, I was quite surprised.
Expressing gratitude is, among other things, a form of auto-suggestion.
Expressing gratitude for the customers we already have actually helps pave the way for more customers and clients.
Doing the opposite, and expressing disappointment in what you don’t have sets up the auto-suggestion for, you guessed it, more of the same disappointment.
This is just one small example of how our thinking determines our success in business.
If you find this interesting, you are really going to like my new webinar, Three Things Fitness Professionals Must Stop Doing and One Thing They Must Start Doing Now.
This webinar will be held on Thursday, February 29th, at 11 am MST.
If you are looking for battle-tested ways to explode your business, this webinar will not disappoint. Sign up now.
Also, as I mentioned last week, we are announcing on Thursday a new 6 Figure Trainers program.
More details will be announced during the week, but we are looking for a small group of people to help us test the program and give us some feedback. Here is part of an email I sent out last week:
We’re looking for a small group of no more than 10 people to take a peek “under the hood” at our program and give us some feedback. It costs you nothing and I guarantee you will get a lot of useful information that you can apply to your business right away.
And it’s all FREE to you
Send me back an email with “test group” in the subject line and I’ll add you to our list of test pilots.
There are only 5 openings left, so send that email right now before it slips your mind.
Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.