The first thing I noticed about full time travel was that I lost my habits, rituals, and routines that are so important to our lives.
For instance, having a barber that I routinely go to.
On the road I am always looking for a new barber, along with a host of other things that were routine when I was stationary.
The time suck can be incredible and I am always looking for the shortest path to finding quality services.
The Google Review has become a must-have tool for me.
While looking for a new barber I ran across a business with a 5-star rating with over 250 reviews! This is unusual.
Although I preferred an immediate appointment, that wasn’t going to happen, so I scheduled the earliest possible date.
The fee for my haircut will be approximately what I am used to paying.
Then I noticed the barbershop is only open three days a week! And the hours of operation are from 9 am to 4 pm.
I can’t wait to get my haircut and talk to these guys.
They are doing exactly what I teach my VIP clients, attract the clients you want to work with, those who will gladly pay your rates, provide exceptional quality, and don’t position your business as a commodity.
It can be done in any business, including yours.
Is it time for us to have a conversation about your possibilities and options?
Book 30 minutes of my time here.
I’ll get back to you on what we can learn from the barbers, but it will be a few days since my appointment was future-cast.
Remember, you only get results when you take action on your ideas!