Arnold Had More Than A Vision

I’m back in Florida from the cold arctic-like north country of upper New York State.

Average temperature is about 50 degrees higher, and it’s really easy to get used to the change, going this way.

One of the first things I noticed is the number of people out walking and exercising. Of course, this makes perfect sense given the nicer weather.

I often wonder what the motivation is for the early am walkers.

Arnold used to say how easy it was to do an extra 200 crunches after a difficult and demanding workout. He went on to say his motivations came from having huge, really huge goals and vision.

With his huge goals he internalized that another 200 crunches simply got him closer to his goal.

I started mentoring a new VIP client today, and we started his session like every session with an exercise called your ideal day.

The purpose of the exercise is to describe in great detail your ideal day. More specifically, how your ideal day would unfold if you were leading your ideal day.

Most people struggle with the exercise and it becomes more of a challenge.

The problem most people have is that they don’t know how to dream big. Most ideal days are simply some little tweaks to their current routine day.

This can be a great starting point, but as you grow your ideal day will grow, too.

The challenge is to routinely update (write out in great detail) what your ideal day would look like when you are leading your ideal life.

Two years ago in the middle of the pandemic, our ideal day would have been very different than our ideal today.

Besides updating your ideal day, describe it in terms that cause an emotional response in you. The more emotional, the more likely you are to achieve it.

When the image of your ideal day is so emotional that it routinely haunts you, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes your reality.

Remember you get results if you take immediate action on your idea!

Posted by Ron Gordon

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