I sent out a prospecting email yesterday to a large number of people.
In my email, I made a very strong case for the 6 Figure Trainers Program and the results my VIP clients are getting.
Some say the results we are getting for our clients seem to be a gross overstatement. But I can assure you, all the results are backed by solid numbers. The growth is real.
Within a few minutes of the email going out, I received a response from a guy who wanted three references from around the country and not in his geographic area.
No problem!
I have my references lined up and the contact information ready to go, so I immediately wrote him back with the information he requested.
I like it when people do their research. This tells me they are serious and very likely to do the work to transform their business. (This is really not hard work, but that’s a topic for another time.)
Next, I sent a text to all of my references alerting them to expect a call from my prospect.
They all acknowledged my text and indicated they were available. One reference who has exceeded the six-figure milestone by a wide margin, replied with, “He’ll get a raving review.”
Obviously, comments like this make me feel great. They also inspire me to get my message out to an even larger audience.
Always make sure you have your references lined up and ready to respond to requests. Respect their privacy and confirm how they would like to be contacted. Have all this information ready for immediate sharing.
On another note, as a mentor one of my biggest challenges is getting my clients to celebrate their victories. In my next email I’ll relate a very interesting story about how my recent 6 Figure Program graduate celebrated.
Spoiler alert: It’s truly mind-blowing.
Stay tuned.
Remember, you only get results when you take action on your ideas!
Ron “ask me about my references” Gordon