Tag: Business Growth

Ron Gordon

What Do You Do In Situations Like This?

Obstacles are a natural part of business growth. Obstacles are also manageable and anything you can manage, you can change.


How To Build A Budget – Step 1

Only 41 days left until the start of a new year and a new beginning! This is another short, to the point and powerful tip on how to build a bulletproof fitness business. In fact,


How To Create A Real Explosion In Record Time

Not gonna lie. There are times I struggle when it comes to writing these emails.  I know the struggle comes from inside me, an internal ego thing. I desperately want to share information because I


Less Is More

 A couple of days ago, on my way to Colorado, I got “lost” traveling through some road construction areas in Indianapolis. My motorcycle has all kinds of electronic and navigation systems. All these great systems


Building A Pricing Mindset

I am in Indiana on my way to some meetings in Colorado. Traveling by motorcycle forces me to pack light and take only the necessary items. My favorite Bluetooth keyboard did not make the cut


Information You Need To Know

I am in Upstate New York as I write this, conducting business and spending time with family and friends.  Being mobile is very important to me because it allows me to get out and meet


Raising Your Rates – Part 3

For most people in the fitness industry, the thought of raising their rates is stressful. The stress we feel comes from fear. We fear that people will leave us in mass. That our sources of


This Was Disgusting!

I think this chain of restaurants is irresponsible at best.


Keeping Customers for a Lifetime

He signed up for the program right on the spot and agreed to my online training fees which are significantly higher than average.