Tag: Business Leadership

Ron Gordon

Coronavirus Action Plan – Part 3

The world lost a great leader yesterday, Jack Welch, the former Chairman and CEO of GE.  I never personally met the man but I was a huge fan of his. I always liked one of

Ron Gordon

What To Do About The Coronavirus, Part 2

Step #2 for the Business owner as he or she anticipated the impact of the coronavirus on their community.

Ron Gordon

How To Develop Your Community Resources

Developing the resources of the community i fun profitable and personally rewarding if you have the right attitude and approach. Here is a fail-safe plan to meet your business neighbors.

Ron Gordon

Do You Have A Weekly Board Meeting?

A Board Meeting is an invaluable tool for every business, especially if you are in a business all by yourself.

Ron Gordon

Three Foundations For Your Marketing Efforts

taking the time to answer these three questions first, will provide a solid basis for all of your marketing efforts. These questions will also save you time and money.

Ron Gordon

Is It Time For The 11th Commandment?

Tracking critically important efforts on a daily basis keeps us on track for massive accomplishments.

Ron Gordon

Is It Time For A Mini-Goal?

Helping people in real ways is the key to membership satisfaction and retention in a fitness business.

Ron Gordon

One Thing That Never Changes – Updated For 2020

Knowing how to keep score in business separated the successful business owner from the unsuccessful owner.

Ron Gordon

A Lesson From Captain America On Running A Business

I may be the only person in the world who did not know the whole story of Captain America. I’m not sure how I missed it. I have seen a number of movies with Captain