Tag: Business Leadership

Coronavirus Action Plan – Part 3
The world lost a great leader yesterday, Jack Welch, the former Chairman and CEO of GE. I never personally met the man but I was a huge fan of his. I always liked one of …

What To Do About The Coronavirus, Part 2
Step #2 for the Business owner as he or she anticipated the impact of the coronavirus on their community.

How To Develop Your Community Resources
Developing the resources of the community i fun profitable and personally rewarding if you have the right attitude and approach. Here is a fail-safe plan to meet your business neighbors.

Do You Have A Weekly Board Meeting?
A Board Meeting is an invaluable tool for every business, especially if you are in a business all by yourself.

Three Foundations For Your Marketing Efforts
taking the time to answer these three questions first, will provide a solid basis for all of your marketing efforts. These questions will also save you time and money.

Is It Time For The 11th Commandment?
Tracking critically important efforts on a daily basis keeps us on track for massive accomplishments.

Is It Time For A Mini-Goal?
Helping people in real ways is the key to membership satisfaction and retention in a fitness business.

One Thing That Never Changes – Updated For 2020
Knowing how to keep score in business separated the successful business owner from the unsuccessful owner.

A Lesson From Captain America On Running A Business
I may be the only person in the world who did not know the whole story of Captain America. I’m not sure how I missed it. I have seen a number of movies with Captain …