Tag: Business Leadership

Have your Eagles landed?
A few years ago I attended a fitness conference. The keynote speaker was Pat Riley, then the coach of the Lakers. Ok, it was more than a few years ago. 🙂 In his speech he …

5 Seconds, or Less
I devote a lot of time studying emerging trends in business and fitness. This self education has always been important to me, but even more so in the current business climate. As a reader of …

Use Your Words
I am camping in the Adirondack Mountains in New York. Each year at this time our family gets together to celebrate our family at a camping event aptly called family week. Each year attendance has …

It’s how High You Bounce!
Sometimes someone says something so simple, and yet so profound, it stays with us forever. On one such occasion I was meeting with one of my mentors and was describing, at his request, a very …

Building Trust In An Uncertain World
I just got off a Zoom meeting with some trainers at a gym in upstate New York. In case you don’t know, gyms in New York are not allowed to open yet. They have no …

A “Taste” Of What Our Customers Are Experiencing
I was an early self-isolator. The fuel gauge on my truck hardly moved for 8 weeks. Last Saturday I cautiously ventured out for dinner. I chose a restaurant I had frequented often in the past. …

Is The Check Really In The Mail?
Do I sound like the bearer of bad news? Small fitness businesses are at a crossroads. Unless we have a plan A that does not depend on a stimulus check and are seriously working our …

Are You Focused On The Right Thing?
I hope you and your family had a great holiday weekend. It’s defiantly weird to celebrate the holidays in a social distancing way. Hopefully, we won’t have to do that for too much longer. Here …

It’s Time To Rethink Everything
I hope you are healthy and safe. I know it’s frustrating and stressful right now, but there is always hope and, this too shall pass. Are you ready for the new normal? The time when …