Tag: Fitness Business Marketing
I’m Done, Finished
Starting and stopping is one of the fastest ways to frustration and failure. We start projects because we’re excited and almost get to the finish line, and then… BOOM! We hear about a new idea …
Have You Ever Attended A Drum Circle
I had heard of drum circles by the campfire in the desert on the night of the full moon. It seemed a bit woo-woo to me. 🙂 But a large number of my friends enthusiastically …
The Iditarod Signals Spring Is Here
By the time you read this the Iditarod will have started out of Anchorage, Alaska. Thirty-three mushers, the smallest group in history, lined up for this classic event with a rich history. Ahead of them …
Arnold Had More Than A Vision
I’m back in Florida from the cold arctic-like north country of upper New York State. Average temperature is about 50 degrees higher, and it’s really easy to get used to the change, going this way. …
Lessons From A Pawn Shop
In my efforts to live a minimalist lifestyle, I am constantly downsizing. Getting rid of things can be a real hassle and so I tried something new, a pawn shop. I had several things in …
How Do You Handle A New Lead?
I was at a national fitness conference a few years ago. I remember very little about the content of the conference, a topic for another time, but I remember one vendor very clearly. It all …
Do You Have To Get New Leads Every Day?
I belong to a membership program for RVers. In short, some businesses, wineries, farms, and individuals make their properties available to travelers for a night or two at no cost. There is an expectation, but …
Are You Believable?
One of my VIP clients was talking about her sales conversations yesterday. Her numbers are incredible. When a prospect comes to her gym and talks with her the odds are very near 100% that they …
What Are You Looking For
I am in the Everglades National Park for a few days of downtime. It’s very quiet and there is no cell phone service – nada. I got up before sunrise to go for a walk …