Tag: Fitness Business Marketing

Ron Gordon

Tomorrow Never Comes

Try this on for a fun experience. Keep track of how many times in one day someone, anyone, says that they will get to that tomorrow. It’s amazing how many times you will hear this

Ron Gordon

Time to Party!

One of my high school milestone reunions was scheduled to happen in 2020. The pandemic caused a reschedule for 2021. However, New York State was still opening up slowly, the reunion was rescheduled again for

Ron Gordon

The Business of Boutiques

It’s great to be back in Upstate NY with family for the summer. This is the community where I honed my fitness business skills, and it’s very interesting to see what has stayed the same

Ron Gordon

Are You Ready?

Being on two wheels is one of my favorite ways to see the world. Pennsylvania is really beautiful this time of the year. I like to travel solo, but this time I am traveling with

Ron Gordon

Thanks, Will Smith

One of the Sunday morning news shows had a feature on Fitness. Will Smith showed before and after pictures of his weight during the pandemic. During his interview he committed to getting back in shape,

Ron Gordon

Congratulations! It’s a 6 Figure Income!

2020 was certainly a challenging year. The press continually beat the negative drum. Don’t get me wrong, we had some real challenges, like we have never before experienced. On the other hand there were successes

Ron Gordon

Why We Need To Update What We Are Telling People

Updating our introductions for 2021 is vitally important in the fitness industry.

Ron Gordon

The Small Gym Explosion Is Here, Right Now

Sitting still is something I have never been good at. I travel a lot, and love the mobile lifestyle. Currently, I am visiting family in New York for a couple of months. It’s great because

Ron Gordon

It’s how High You Bounce!

Sometimes someone says something so simple, and yet so profound, it stays with us forever. On one such occasion I was meeting with one of my mentors and was describing, at his request, a very