Tag: Fitness Business Sales

Cramming Time
You undoubtedly crammed for a test somewhere in the past. Didn’t we all? Every time I crammed, I promised myself that I would never do that again. And then it would happen again. I’m sure …

Today is Free
Would more cash flow help you right now? What if you could put a plan in place this weekend to get more cash flow, almost immediately? I am hosting a webinar at 1:15 today covering …

Business is no Joke
First let me start with the joke. Even though the subject and the content below is no joke, let’s start with a little humor. Here we go: How do two boogers get married? Before I …

Augmented Reality
One of the keys to success is to look sideways. We look sideways at what other industries are doing that’s successful, and determine if we can apply the concept to our situation. What better place …

Black Friday Starts Now
I recently passed through North Carolina on my way to South Carolina. The Biltmore, in NC, is already putting up it’s Christmas decorations, so I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised to see my first …

Practice Like a Navy Seal
I love to read, especially about fitness, training, and business Yesterday I was reading an article about Navy Seal Training. The Seal’s training is legendary. Conventional thinking would be that once you learn and repeat …

You’re Worth It
In an earlier career I was doing some modeling. I got a job that required a special styling of my hair. I had a full head of hair back then, 🙂 I was sitting in …