Tag: Fitness Business

Information You Need To Know
I am in Upstate New York as I write this, conducting business and spending time with family and friends. Being mobile is very important to me because it allows me to get out and meet …

Another Record for the USA
I am packing up for another road trip, so this will be short. But before I hit the road, did you see this? As of the beginning of July, the US economy has entered its …

A Summer Challenge
However, we can change our mental and emotional environments and experience tremendous satisfaction – almost immediately.

This Was Disgusting!
I think this chain of restaurants is irresponsible at best.

Empowering Your Team (And You!)
In our connected world, we can meet anyone anywhere at any time, but there are still huge advantages to a face-to-face meeting.

Raising Your Rates – Part 2
The key to raising your rates is planning and preparation.

#1 Trait Of Successful Business Owners
Why not live life on your terms, doing what you really want to do day in and day out?

How To Raise Your Rates – Part 1
If you haven’t raised your rates in a while, you really need to do it. If you raised them last year, great, but you need to again. If you don’t you are leaving revenue on the table – not a good business strategy.

The Good Times
Nothing compares to having your systems firmly in place, especially a nimble marketing system that is multi-faceted, easy to manage and designed to be responsive to changing market conditions.