The Good Times

Nothing compares to having your systems firmly in place, especially a nimble marketing system that is multi-faceted, easy to manage and designed to be responsive to changing market conditions.

I am two weeks out from my long-distance motorcycle trip to the West Coast and things are crazy. 

You know the feeling, so much to be done and seemingly so little time. 

Somehow, we always get it done and when we do it feels so good. 

Remove the hard deadline we are facing and typically we default to a slower pace and less productivity. It’s human nature. 

The same applies to our businesses. Generally, when times are good, we are less motivated than we are in times of great stress. Dealing with negative situations and deadlines forces us to focus and get stuff done.

When times are good, people tend to relax their focus and efforts.

The fitness industry is going through a huge growth period. It has been for the last four years. 

This week, IHRSA reported a record of $94 billion in global health club revenue for 2018. That is a huge market. 

The fitness industry growth rate in the United States over the last three years has been 25%. Huge!

The United States has seen steady economic growth for ten years and with a couple of more months at this rate, it will be the longest period of growth in history. 

These are good times for the fitness industry. And, good times can be a double-edged sword, because they will not last. 

Sooner or later things will slow down, and we will feel the impact of slowed economic growth. Will your business be ready and prepared?

There are things that you can, and should do now, while the economy is strong to prepare your business to thrive in any economic climate. Use this time wisely. 

What you need to do depends on where your business is its growth stages. Obviously, having cash reserves is a good place to be. But nothing compares to having your systems firmly in place, especially a nimble marketing system that is multi-faceted, easy to manage and designed to be responsive to changing market conditions. 

Enjoy these months of strong market growth but create a sense of urgency for the important things in your schedule, the systems that will ensure your business’s future regardless of what happens. 

I like to call it a bullet-proof business, a business that “keeps on keeping on.”  

Is it time to have a conversation about your business and what you need to move it forward? That’s what 6 Figure Trainers is here for. Contact us and get some answers to your questions. You have nothing to lose.

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Helping you grow your fitness business is the mission of the 6 Figure Trainers Program. Founder and CEO, Ron Gordon brings over 40 years of successful fitness business ownership and growth, to the tips, tricks and hacks described and outlined here.

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