I was looking over my goals for the rest of the year last night.
I made a major decision that I’ll explain in a minute.
I would encourage you to do the same, especially now at the halfway point of the calendar year. Wow, are we really there already?
I believe you have goals for the rest of this year, too.
I’ll bet your goals are a bit lofty and still very doable. Are you on track, or are you a bit behind?
It’s a good possibility that if you are a bit behind it is because you haven’t changed the inputs.
Let me explain, to get different results we need different inputs.
Stated another way, doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results is often quoted as the definition of insanity, be it personal or business goals. (ouch!)
Let’s take the business goals for example. When we have a lofty goal it’s most likely something we have not experienced before. For instance, you may want to take your business sales to a new level, 100% higher than the last year.
This is a great goal and totally doable. Doing what you have always done and achieving this goal is unlikely, or you would have already achieved it.
The path forward to achieve this kind of remarkable progress will require different inputs. We have to do something different to get different results.
Here’s where it gets interesting. Doing something different is always uncomfortable, risky, and even scary. So uncomfortable in fact, that many people stop right here, and self-sabotage their goals.
Instead of doing the uncomfortable work on their goal, they find something more comfortable to work on and time slips away.
Change takes time and energy. Lean into the change process and know that being uncomfortable is part of the process. Schedule some time each day to work on the uncomfortable part of your goal.
As for my challenge, I am changing my schedule a bit to work on the part of my unrealized goal that scares me the most.
As you embrace this process and succeed, time and time again, it does become a bit easier, but never without some discomfort. Use little goals and achievements as confidence builders for the big, hairy, audacious goals that are part of your future.
Here is a short video for you on this topic: Goal Insanity Reversed.
Want more videos like this? Check out my YouTube channel! 6-Figure Trainers
Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.