I was tallking with a friend the other day and he asked me a question that I have heard so many times, from so many people.
His question. When are you going to write your book?
I wish I had a dollar for every time I have been asked this question.
And, the question comes from all different kinds of people.
I’ll bet you have been asked the same question multiple times.
According to Google research, 81% of people want to write a book, someday. Source.
Multiple sources say the odds of writing and publishing a book are 1-2%.
This is a huge difference attributable to a variety of reasons.
Just think what your published book would do for your business.
It’s an old-fashioned business card, still used today, with no sign of going away, only a book “is a business card on steroids.”
Your book instantly identifies you as an expert.
Your published book lends instant credibility to your prospects.
Your published book gives you credibility.
If you’ve ever considered writing a book, now is the time to revisit those thoughts.
Your book can be on the shelf by the first of next year.
I am putting together a very small group of people for live training with the specific goal of taking your book from a thought to a finished product in people’s hands.
Our goal is to publish a book by year-end.
It’s normal to have doubts. I did. Then I published my first book. I was amazed at how seamless the process was.
Now, it feels good to hand it to someone. It speaks for me. It answers questions my prospects have. It inspires my team.
My only regret is that I wish I had published one earlier in my career.
Don’t make this mistake!
Interested? Schedule a time in the PS below so we can briefly meet to see if this training will be right for you.
Just imagine what your next year will be like when you have a book you published that you can hand to your prospects!
Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.
Schedule a time to talk while there are still openings.