Do you have a library of success books?
I suspect you do.
The road to successful entrepreneurship is challenging.
Unfortunately, most of our formal education gives us very little insight into what success is and in many cases formal education hinders our success in the business world.
Our need, as entrepreneurs, for credible information on how to build our business grows every day.
It’s easy to get distracted by bright shiny objects and smooth sales pitches inundating our inboxes.
Despite clever sales pitches, business success still requires an investment of time and energy, collectively known as work.
Doing the work guarantees success.
And getting the small bits of work done and repeating the process routinely eventually leads to the victory.
Success comes down to one word.
And that word is persistence.
As we celebrate Independence Day, remember that the right, and the gift of having our own businesses is true independence, something to be very thankful for.
Struggle as we might from time to time, remember the key to success is persistence.
Have a great holiday weekend!
Remember, you only get results when you take action on your ideas!