Elon Musk’s View On Huge Setbacks

Space X’s launch of it’s latest rocket last week was noteworthy. In case you missed the launch or, more likely, missed the press coverage of the launch, here’s what happened. Space X was launching a

The Peach Cobbler Was Ruined By The Pandemic

On my way to visit a couple of my VIP clients, and take care of some personal stuff, I stopped at a restaurant to grab some lunch. This was a major restaurant chain. I don’t

Is Your Intake Process Outdated

One of my VIP clients was reviewing his intake process with me earlier today and several questions came up. First, I applaud Colby for being a man on a mission. Like most fitness businesses, the

It’s Time To Eliminate Your Meetings

The CBS Sunday Morning show led off with a feature on business meetings. Shopify was the primary business featured and the CEO outlined huge changes the company made at the beginning of this year. In

The First Question To Ask In a Sales Presentation

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says, salesman? For most people, it’s about a fast-talking person trying to get someone to buy something whether they want it or not.

How Do You Handle A Money Objection

Remember the last time you were pitched by an aggressive and eager salesman in an effort to get you to buy something, Especially something you didn’t really want? The salesman typically goes into a series

It’s Time To Check In

Every day we are bombarded with reminders to check-in. It’s like we have a mini-dashboard on our phones keeping us on track and on schedule. Have you flown anywhere lately? If I don’t check in

I Gave It Away

I have been a triathlete and bike racer for years. The foundation of all my training was my physical and general fitness. What’s the point of high-performance equipment, unless you have a highly tuned body?

I’m Done, Finished

Starting and stopping is one of the fastest ways to frustration and failure. We start projects because we’re excited and almost get to the finish line, and then… BOOM! We hear about a new idea

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