Yesterday, I wrote about the easiest people to market your programs to, your previous clients, customers, and members,
If you didn’t see it, just let me know, and I’ll send it to you.
The question has come up, then what are the second best prospects?
This great question shows a lot of insight.
We should spend our time marketing to our best prospects first.
The second best is the people who checked out your business, but did not join your tribe, for whatever reason.
Who knows what their reason was, and there have been lots of challenges over the past two years. The important thing is that they cared enough to check you out.
Now is the perfect time to dust that list off and reach out to them.
There are many ways to reach out, but generally speaking the more personal your approach, the more effective your efforts will be.
The most effective is a conversation, especially unique to the times we live in right now.
How to go about this, including what words you MUST include in your conversation, is just one of the techniques we will cover in our Marketing and Mentoring Boot Camp Challenge program starting on May 9th.
If you’re not sure where to start, and don’t want to get left behind, this program is exactly what you need.
My next session of the Marketing and Mentoring Boot Camp Challenge starts on May 9th. It’s five days of helping you build your marketing plan, AND, I include a week’s worth of free mentoring with the program.
This is a huge deal! In five days you can build out the basics of your marketing plan. Your completed plan will serve you for the rest of your business life. This is because I am teaching not only how to build your own plan, but why and how to modify it when you are ready to go to the next level with your business.
Don’t miss this opportunity and lose your advantage to the competitor down the road. Now is the time to grow. Go here for more information or better yet, just sign up using the link here.
Remember, you only get results if you take immediate action on your ideas!