Tag: Business Leadership

Michael J. Fox On Perspective

Is there anyone with a more powerful story than Michael J. Fox? He is an inspiration. Despite all obstacles, he keeps going with his life. “With gratitude, optimism is sustainable”. is one of his quotes.

Elon Musk’s View On Huge Setbacks

Space X’s launch of it’s latest rocket last week was noteworthy. In case you missed the launch or, more likely, missed the press coverage of the launch, here’s what happened. Space X was launching a

The Peach Cobbler Was Ruined By The Pandemic

On my way to visit a couple of my VIP clients, and take care of some personal stuff, I stopped at a restaurant to grab some lunch. This was a major restaurant chain. I don’t

It’s Time To Eliminate Your Meetings

The CBS Sunday Morning show led off with a feature on business meetings. Shopify was the primary business featured and the CEO outlined huge changes the company made at the beginning of this year. In

How Well Do You Delegate

Early in my career I really struggled with delegation. In fact, I was terrible at delegation and it was really hurting my job performance. This was before I decided to run my own business and

Have You Ever Attended A Drum Circle

I had heard of drum circles by the campfire in the desert on the night of the full moon. It seemed a bit woo-woo to me. 🙂 But a large number of my friends enthusiastically

Some People Are Going To Die Needlessly

Yesterday, I contacted two of my doctors’ offices for routine preventative medical stuff, nothing critical or urgent. These are offices I have had long and positive relationships with. Immediate answers to my questions, positive and

Are You Believable?

One of my VIP clients was talking about her sales conversations yesterday. Her numbers are incredible. When a prospect comes to her gym and talks with her the odds are very near 100% that they

This Alligator Stopped Me In My Tracks

This morning’s bike ride is one I will not forget. As I was riding down a gravel road, I saw what looked like an alligator in the distance. Sure enough, as I got closer I