Tag: Business Building


What’s In Your Friday Report

One common theme in every business I turned around and grew was that it was hard work. Doing things differently and building new habits, especially success habits, seems difficult at first. There are countless challenges

This Is The Best Tool For Business Focus, Bar None

In Robert Pirsig’s book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, he compares motorcycle riding on the road to riding in an automobile. He writes that being in a car, one is behind the windshield

Another Lesson From Arnold

I hope you are all enjoying Memorial Day with your loved ones. We can enjoy the lives we have today because of the countless men and women who gave their all. We owe them so

Broken Down On The Side Of The Road

In my travels to the Midwest, I stopped at a rest area for a little stretch and walk. On my way to the main buildings, I noticed a guy with an obvious flat tire working

Can You Pass This 3-Second Test

I am on the road traveling to my next appointment. Thankfully, I am headed to warmer climates than the unusually cold, for this time of the year, Northeast. As I was finishing up my walk,

You Will Never Be Ready

I caught a TV special about a successful person yesterday and a theme I have heard many times before came up. It’s the same theme I have read about many times in biographies of successful

Is Your Intake Process Outdated

One of my VIP clients was reviewing his intake process with me earlier today and several questions came up. First, I applaud Colby for being a man on a mission. Like most fitness businesses, the

It’s Time To Eliminate Your Meetings

The CBS Sunday Morning show led off with a feature on business meetings. Shopify was the primary business featured and the CEO outlined huge changes the company made at the beginning of this year. In

I’m Done, Finished

Starting and stopping is one of the fastest ways to frustration and failure. We start projects because we’re excited and almost get to the finish line, and then… BOOM! We hear about a new idea