The national news is all about sound bites.
Especially when the topic is something people are interested in.
Take the new weight loss drugs. These drugs appeal to everyone who wants to lose weight and I don’t need to tell you how large that audience is.
From all reports, these new drugs have many benefits besides just weight loss. Or at least that is what we are being told.
The only downside seems to be the expense of the drugs which are huge compared to a gym membership.
Marketing companies are investing millions of dollars in promoting the drugs, along with the free advertising they are getting from the news outlets. It’s a perfect storm, or is it?
Back to our reporters who keep hinting at the movement, and pressure, to get these drugs covered by insurance. To many people, this will eliminate the only barrier in their minds.
Whether or not this will happen remains to be seen.
So what do we do at a local level?
Last week I wrote about marketing strategies to draw a contrast with drugs and what happens in the fitness world.
And here is another thing to consider.
Do your research, use your resources, and talk to doctors in your tribe and in the bigger community. What is their take on the drugs?
Are they aware of any unreported downsides?
Whatever you find out use this information in your sales conversations and marketing material.
A word of caution, do not try to discredit the drugs, but become conversant in the pros and cons of the drugs.
Discrediting the drugs will backfire. Knowing your relative strengths and weaknesses of each approach, and calmly talking about them in your sales presentation will cast you as someone who really understands and cares.
Knowledge like this will build trust and trust is the basis of a buying decision on the part of your prospect.
Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.