Are You Celebrating May Is National Fitness Month

May is National Fitness Month in the USA.

It’s a time to bring awareness to health, fitness, and purposeful activity.

It’s a great excuse (opportunity) for a marketing push, generating energy and enthusiasm around your business and your mission.

Yet, so few fitness businesses take advantage of this great opportunity.

We’re busy with all kinds of things needing our attention. Been there, done that.

Unless we have a comprehensive marketing strategy and implementation plan outlined month by month, holidays and special event months usually get lost in the shuffle.

It does not have to be that way.

True, a holiday event or special month is more of a tactic, but it is a very effective tactic.

Here’s why:

  1. Special events are very simple and easy to create
  2. A special event generates energy for the short term and includes a deadline
  3. Deadlines create a sense of urgency, which helps people make decisions
  4. Promoting the event gives you a chance to promote and reinforce your mission to new prospects and your existing customers at the same time.
  5. You can, and should, get wildly creative with special events. In short, be outrageous, your people will love it
  6. It’s a great opportunity to create a small team of staff and/or volunteers to plan, coordinate and manage the event. People like to be included in fun activities, especially in light of what we have gone through in the past two years
  7. You have the option to make whatever promo you invent a program that you repeat at another time

The ideas of what tactics you use are limitless, but here are a couple of proven ideas:

  1. A special couples/team workout that becomes one of your signature workouts
  2. A “bring a friend” week with appropriately designed workouts
  3. A special workout for fitness groups in your town. For instance, the Mom’s In Motion program, or Girls On The Run
  4. A fitness presentation to a local service group highlighting your unique value proposition

This is just the beginning. Use this list with your team to come up with something your people will love and get behind.

A word of advice. It’s not too late in the month to do this. Contrary to many people’s thinking, last-minute things are often the best.

Think this is a good idea for you, but not sure you can get it off the ground? Feel free to reach out to me for some stimulating ideas. It’s free to you, with no strings attached! 🙂

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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